IG Hiatus -- Again!

It's almost Christmas! And the spirit just gets warmer and warmer! Circumstances try to steal my joy this season, and everyday is a constant battle of choosing to be joyful despite and inspite every "sigh" moment. Giving thanks has always been my road back to the presence of my loving Father. Continuously writing His gifts everyday in my gratitude journal changes my heart every time. I'm writing a blog about my "One Thousand Gifts" journey soon.

I just got back on instagram the other day after more than a week of processing with the Lord. After my social media fast, after reading some helpful articles, and through the encouraging messages and comments of my #SheReadsTruth sisters, I became so sure of what the Lord exactly wants me to do. I went back to posting my journal pages again in IG and it felt so right. I know God was pleased that I have sought His heart and decided to obey. It's just so ironic that after I have been so empowered to going back to this ministry, I started having problems again with my phone, and this time, Mike decided once and for all to get rid of it. So last night, we sold my phone. There was a bit of sadness because I have no idea when it will be replaced (I don't want to pressure my husband because he has been thinking of so many things lately). Aside from that, I just got back in IG, and now I have to take a break again. But I know that the Lord always has a purpose. I am also 100% sure that He wants me to continue this ministry so I have faith that He will provide me with a new one - in His time. I just feel confident and secure this time, unlike two weeks ago, I was pouting when Mike first thought of selling it.

Looking at the brighter side, I know that this is the perfect time for me to be more active in writing in this blog page. I must admit, it's easier to post in IG than to compose a blog entry and that is why most of the time I feel lazy. But I am not letting my circumstance to stop me from doing what the Lord calls me to do -- and that is to share my life -- my struggles, failures, and triumphs in my walk with Him. In His perfect time, I know that He will provide!

So having said all of that, actually the purpose of this post is to let my instagram followers, friends, #ShereadsTruth sisters know that I will be on IG Hiatus again! This time, it's really indefinite! I will be more active here in my blog page and I am hoping to connect with you all through facebook too! Also, I won't have the chance to do this through IG so I'd like to take this opportunity to greet you all a

Enjoy your moments with your families and friends, 
and most of all, let us make room in our hearts for the 
coming of our Savior and Lord! 


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