Journey to A Thousand Gifts... and More!
Last year, a sweet #SheReadsTruth sister blessed me with the book
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
"When I realize that it is not God who is in my great debt but I who am in His great debt, then doesn't all become gift? For He might not have." - Ann Voskamp
This is one of my favorite quotes from the book. It's just so humbling to be reminded that God is not even obligated to allow the Sun to rise every morning, yet, in His great love for us, He faithfully does -- every single day! I have never thought of that before! I have never even thought of thanking Him for it before, and for all of His many gifts that I often fail to pay attention to.
I started my own One Thousand Gifts journal, and what I've found out is even more mind blowing! I found myself shrinking and completely drowning in the depths of His grace. His everyday gifts are so many! It's hard to capture them all!
"God is not in need of magnifying by us so small, but the reverse. It's our lives that are little and we have falsely inflated self, and in thanks we decrease and the world returns right." - Ann Voskamp
A journey to count His One Thousand Gifts... and more! To live fully right where I am. To have a heart overflowing with great joy...
Grace - Thanksgiving - Joy.
-- All is Grace!
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