The S.O.A.P Bible Study Method

Lately, many of my friends have been asking how to start a Bible Journal. Today, I'm sharing here what I've learned from my #SheReadsTruth sisters about the SOAP Study Method it's a simple, but a very powerful way to make the most out of our daily quiet time.

S.O.A.P stands for: Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.

- No matter what method of Bible Study you are using during your Bible reading and quiet time, the most important thing is to start with prayer. Pray that God may fill you with the Holy Spirit, because it is He who will reveal Himself and His message to us through His Word. Approaching the Bible with a heart that focuses on knowing Him deeper instead of focusing on ourselves makes all the difference. Here's a powerful prayer that I pray before reading my Bible:

"Lord, Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law... (Psalm 119:18), reveal Yourself to me and encourage me through Your Word today. In Jesus Name, Amen." 

- After reading the chapter of the Bible, or your devotion for the day, here's what you can write in your journal:

SCRIPTURE- Write the verse(s) that stood out or spoke to you the most. Writing (and re-writing!) the Scripture, helps us memorize them! :)

OBSERVATION - Write the things that you've observed in the verse or the chapter that you've read. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself so you can dig deeper in your observation:

  • What does it tell me about God? or What character of God did I learn in this chapter?(This is my favorite!) :)
  • What does it tell me about man? or What did I observe in the Biblical character involved in this chapter?
  • Is there any repetition of words? or any word that's being emphasized?
  • Is there a command? Is there a promise? (You can use different colors in highlighting your Bible if you want! It makes my Bible reading more personal...)
When I want to dig deeper, I even search the historical background of the book (Who wrote this book? When and where was it written and what is the situation of the people involved during the time when it was written) -- This brings a different light in the Word and helps me understand it more. However, it's optional depending on how much time you have... But it's worth it! :)

APPLICATION - this is the part when we relate what we have learned/observed to our own lives (or our present circumstance). Here are some questions that you can ask yourself as a guide:

  • What does it demand of me?
  • How does it change the way I relate to God?
  • How does it change the way I relate to people?
PRAYER - In response to what you've learned and heard from the Lord, you can write your prayer to Him. More than anything, our daily quiet time is our intimate time with the Lord where we speak to Him, listen to Him, and speak back again to Him... :)

*** The SOAP Study method is NOT the only method that we can use, however; for me, it's one of the simplest ways to make the most out of our Bible reading. If you are using other methods in studying your Bible, please FEEL FREE to share it with us. :) Let's enjoy our sweet moments with God as we sit at His feet every morning. :) May you meet Him in a much deeper level as you spend time with His Word! :)

A Sample Entry from My Journal using the SOAP Study Method
You might also be interested to read this post: My Daily Quiet Time


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