Every Season is a Gift

Recently, some of my relatives and friends have been asking what's keeping me busy these days. What are my plans and what I've been doing in the last few months. It's been a while since the Lord called me to be a stay home wife, seven months to be exact and I must admit, being someone who is not used to not being busy, I never thought that I would actually appreciate this kind of set up.

I spend most of my days home alone as husband leaves for work in the afternoon. Since we do not have kids yet, I only have a handful of wife duties and chores to finish before he comes home. And yes, I do have a lot of  free alone time. This allows me do my daily Bible Study, Quiet Time, and Journal Writing without interruption (I will be writing more of the details of my quiet time in my next post).  It also gives me time to enjoy the things that I have always loved to do (which I lost passion about when I became so busy with work and business) like reading, blogging, listening to music, playing my guitar, and graphic designing.

Some would ask if I don't get bored having most of my time home alone. My social life revolves around my new found sisters in Christ through the #SheReadsTruth Community. They are such lovely women who have helped me a lot in my walk with the Lord. I also have my Church Discipleship Groups who we (husband and I)  meet every Sunday. Occasionally, some friends would visit me at home for a little chit chat. I also catch up with friends through social media. Overall, I would say that my life now is simpler, less stressful, and definitely happier!

Some of my friends would tell me that I am so blessed to have all the time in the world to do my quiet time and Bible Study without worrying about getting ready for work or taking care of kids. Before, I used to tell myself, "if only we already have babies". I used to cry out to the Lord with hopelessness and frustration in my heart in this area of my life that I have been praying for, for so long. I have always called this season of my life as "The Waiting Season". Waiting for the babies... waiting for answers to my prayers... waiting for our dreams to be fulfilled... waiting for the season of pruning to end... waiting.. waiting... But as time went by,  the Lord has shown me a different perspective.

I now understand why God took all of the other things that kept me busy in the past.  God wanted me and Him to spend more moments together while I am continuing to grow and understand His love through His Word. Yes, because He gave me more time to spend reading the Bible, I have learned to fall deeply in love with His Word. It is through reading the Bible that I have learned His Character, His promises, His purpose for me, His wonderful plans for my life, and His deep love for me. In my alone time at home, I wasn't really alone. I felt like God isolated me from everything else so that I can grow my relationship with Him. I found myself telling stories with Him, sharing my dreams with Him, laughing with Him, crying out to Him, sometimes pouring out  my emotions to Him when I'm upset with my husband, with anyone else, or with myself. It's a wonderful experience every time. Even in my "not so good" mood, He always finds a way to comfort me and touch my heart. I have never felt closer to Him than now... in this season.

The other day, while I was taking a bath, something popped up in my head: Wait a minute, this isn't just a waiting season! This season is actually my 'Intimate Growing Season with Him'. I have learned enough from my past experiences (and choices) as a single-young-adult that when I rush things, I am the one missing out on God's best. So I decided that rather than rushing to the next season of my life, I might as well enjoy this season where I am right now! This is a season in my life that I would never get back the moment He gives us the babies that we've been praying for! Indeed, every season is a gift. And God's gifts to me right now are my uninterrupted moments with Him, joyful and romantic moments spent with my husband as we continue to become closer and in love with God and with each other, the opportunity to serve in the ministry and to explore my creativity enjoying the things that I love to do without worrying about other things.

Instead of praying with a hopeless and frustrated heart, God taught me to appreciate this wonderful season in my life knowing that He alone knows the perfect time for everything. To Him be all the Honor, Glory, and Praises!


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